Friday, March 28, 2008

A great show has ended

While in college I became very interested in computers. All about them. Hardware, software ,everything. After college I started to dabble in programming a bit. Started out with Visual Basic and moved on to web programming. I found that most web server ran Linux and that this OS could be used as a desktop environment. Not only that but it was FREE! I then installed Linux on my computer and found that it was quite difficult. Not at all like the Windows I was used to. Frustrated, I moved back over to Windows.

I tried again a few times after that to get acclimated to Linux but just couldn't do it. Finally, I forced myself to use nothing but Linux (Ubuntu at the time) but still had trouble. A good friend of mine then told me about a podcast called Linux Reality that was geared toward the new Linux user. After listening to one episode, I was hooked. It took all the fear out of Linux and I was able to move around in Linux as well as I could in Windows.

However, a few weeks ago Chess Griffin the host of Linux Reality, announced that he had decided to end the show with episode 100. That episode aired this past Wednesday. What a sad day. The website and IRC channel will remain but there will be no new shows. With great respect, I honor the decision Chess has made but it will be a show that I will miss greatly.

Hats off the Mr. Chess Griffin on a show well done. We will all miss you!