Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Linux War Cry

After recently reading an article at as well as the comments, I thought of something. Why is it, that every "die hard" linux user wants to bring down Microsoft? Sure, you can make the argument that they are a monopoly, that Windows is a playground for every script kiddy out there. But why would the Linux community want to bring down the software giant? It almost seems that there is a vendetta out against Bill and the boys.

I bring up the question as to why not try to bring down Steve Jobs and Apple? Why not? Why limit it to just Microsoft? Is it because OS X uses the somewhat water downed version of the Linux kernel? Is it because Safari is based on Konqueror? Is it because of pretty gummy eye candy of OS X?

Look at it this way. With a Windows computer you are not limited to using Windows. You can easily change out the OS to your choice whether it be a flavor of Linux or BSD. Your choice. You want a new video card? No problem. Just open the box and put it in. Want a second hard drive maybe? get the picture.

Now, let's look at something like, oh say...the iBook. Want a new video card? Send it to Apple. Want a bigger hard drive? Send it to Apple. Heck, try to open the iBook yourself and see how far you get. The iBook is sealed shut! Yes, you can hack into it and open it, but how far are you going to get with help if you all of a sudden have a problem with your $1200 laptop?

So if you want to "take down Microsoft" don't stop there. Just take down Apple while you're at it.