Saturday, May 26, 2007

Linux has no style...

I was recently looking around on kde-look at some of the latest themes. Once again I was hammered with "Vista" style this and "Mac" style that. you made your Linux computer look like Vista.

So I was thinking to myself. What about the "Linux" style? After a few moments longer of looking at the computer monitor, I realized, Linux has no style. It kind of disappointed me. Then I thought for a while longer about it. This could actually be one more benefit of Linux. Linux has style! It has any style that it wants. But!!! What you get is one stable OS that is virus free and has a huge following with great community support as well as being free and Open Source.

Now I just had another thought. Those silly little commercials where "Apple" and "PC" are talking together and there's always something wrong with the "PC". I got a nice parody of that. Picture this if you will :

PC and Apple are standing around talking. PC is being his usual dorky self and Apple is trying to be the cool hippster. Along comes Linux. All of a sudden Linux looks just like PC, then switches and looks just like Apple. Then someone says something witty and the all go off in a huff.

OK, maybe I haven't fine tuned it but after all, it's just a thought.